Friday, January 25, 2008

Newton's law

Physics was my worst subject in high school, but there is one law that I believe has universal truth: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
For every good day, there is a bad day.
For every fall backward, there is a step forward.
For every stroke of bad luck, there is a moment of good fortune.
Take for instance this puppy-training that I am obsessing about these days. Yesterday, Sydney was a calm, affectionate delight. Today, she is misbehaving with manic aggression, up twice during the night and crying in her crate.
I am a firm believer that for every moment I let my guard down and relax, I will have a moment of equal and opposite inconvenience.
There have been instances when I stayed home sick on a day that I might have been able to get to work if I came armed with 4,000 tissues and 900 cough drops. So that decision to stay in bed demands an equal and opposite reaction from the universe. The next day I will have a flat tire or a dead battery.
Thank you, Mr. Newton.
The last time I broke my routine of going home to dutifully make dinner and instead stopped for a beer and appetizer with a co-worker, the pump to our well wore out in the middle of the night. I woke the next day to a house without running water. A little relaxation, a lot of inconvenience.
Yesterday, I discovered while checking the financial records of our son in college in Colorado that the school he is attending requires a certain amount of academic credits to receive financial aid awards. The credits he gets for being on the track team do not count; thus, while he has a full schedule, he was ineligible to receive his track scholarship.
The tuition check we just mailed was not enough. I discovered this by accident, and he was able to remedy the situation by adding a one-credit class to his roster, just in time to reinstate the scholarship award.
This was either very bad luck because it occurred or very good luck to have discovered it.
So I'm left today wondering what tomorrow will bring.

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